
This code generates a super simple simple probe to test for the possible presence of Java deserialization vulnerabilities. The probe is a serialized instance of the java.net.URL class with it’s hashCode set to an invalid value so that a DNS lookup of the hostname will be performed upon deserialization. Since the lookup is performed during the deserialization process itself, the vulnerable code need not do anything in particular with the payload object.

The same approach used by ysoserial’s URLDNS module. I mostly have this here as a standalone PoC I can include in documents as needed.


PayloadGenerator creates the URL object, serializes it to payload.ser

Compile PayloadGenerator and run it:

% javac javac PayloadGenerator.java
(ignore warnings)
% java --add-opens java.base/java.net=ALL-UNNAMED PayloadGenerator

There should now be a file named ‘payload.ser’ in the current directory.

PayloadTester deserializes the payload for testing.

% javac PayloadTester.java
% java PayloadTester

You should see a lookup of the given hostname immediately upon running the last command.

Send the contents of payload.ser to whatever it is that is deserializing things and see if the same happens. If the results are promising, ysoserial may help with exploitation.